L'unica lezione - Italy -15'
presented by the director Peter Marcias
Happy Ending - Italy - 5'
presented by the director Joe Bastardi
La Teoría Del Sueño - Spain - 20'
The Sound - United Kingdom - 15'
El Aguacate - U.S.A. - 11'
pause 10'
Un Cortometraje Sobre La Educacion - Chile - 18'
Per tutta la vita - Italy, France - 5'
Are you listening, Mother? - Turkey, Germany - 20'
pause 10'
Die Wilden - The Savages - Switzerland - 17'
Blind Mice - U.S.A - 9'
The Last Well - France, Croatia - 20' (Human/Nature finalist)
Lovebox - Croatia - 14'
Fuecu e cirasi - Italy - 15'
Rodando - Spain - 20'
Gagarin, Mi Mancherai - Italy - 20'
Warlords - Italy - 5'
Der Nächste Bitte - Austria - 6'
Domesticado - Spain - 17'
Peccatrice - Italy - 10'
Futuro Prossimo - Italy - 18'
Enemigos - Spain - 9'
Fatta Male - Italy - 15'
Cupids - United Kingdom - 13'
Relicious - Italy - 8'
Happy Ending - Italy - 5'
Rikishi - France - 19'
Game - U.S.A. - 15'
Are You Volleyball? - Iran - 15'
Il mondiale in piazza - Italy - 15'
Voice - Japan - 10'
Apollo Ou La Vie Sauvage - France - 18'
Hybrids - France - 6' (Animation & Stop Motion finalist)
Waiting For Fukushima - United Kingdom - 15' (DocuShort finalist)
Lost Face - Canada, Australia - 14'
The Last Embrace - Kurdistan, Iran - 4'
Custodia Compartida - Spain - 6'
Difference - Iran - 14'
El Paraíso Falsificado - Peru - 6'
Skyscrapers - France, Switzerland -13'
Debris - U.S.A. -14'
Nö! - Germany - 5'
The Boogeywoman - U.S.A. - 18'
Cerdita - Spain - 14' (Best Short finalist)
La Bête - Italy, France - 17'
The Plan - France - 13'
Botanica - Olanda - 13'
Simbiosis Carnal - Belgium - 10'
Lamento della ninfa - France - 6'
Intoxicate yourself - Germany - 6'
Skyscrapers - France, Switzerland -13'
Custodia Compartida - Spain - 6'
Il mondiale in piazza - Italy - 15'
Hybrids - France - 6'
Basta il pensiero - Italy - 11'
Un'idea per il parco - Italy - 7'
Solo un giocattolo - Italy - 15'
Alla ricerca di madre natura - Italy - 4'
Caronte - Spain - 16'
Die Tür - Germany - 5'
Labor - U.S.A. - 13'
Le Défi Du Rade... - France - 16'
Mazeppa - Italy - 15'
La gita - Italy - 14'
La Disco Resplandece - Turkey - 14'
The Happiest Couple Alive - U.S.A. - 13'
Sprain - France - 6'
Dientes - Spain - 10'
New neighbours - Italy - 6'
Camshot - Italy - 7'
Whitexploitation - Italy - 3'
La Lampara - Italy - 5'
Happy Today - Italy - 17'
Wandervogel - U.S.A. - 19'
All Inclusive - Switzerland - 10'
Tajarin - Italy - 17'
Der Letzte Seiner Art - Germany - 11'
Sena Làcanas - Nois il tg dei Migranti - Italy - 15'
Maré Do Tempo - Portugal - 12'
Laugh Lines - Switzerland - 6'
L’ombra della sposa - Italy - 11'
Egg - France, Denmark - 12'
Accident De Personne - Spain - 4'
Facelift - Germany - 7'
Sdtohduprezmaxv2_009.Mp4 - U.S.A. - 4'
Flut - Germany - 10'
A Year Along the Geostationary Orbit - Germany - 16'
Savage - United Kingdom - 14'
Robot Will Protect You - Estonia - 10'
Mouth of truth - Croatia - 18'
Gong! - Italy - 15'
Bavure - France - 5'
Mr. Deer - Iran - 9' (Animation & Stop Motion finalist)
The Glorious Peanut - Belgium - 19' (Best Short finalist)
Fuse - Germany - 7'
Fucking bunnies - Finland - 17' (Best Short finalist)
Coyote - Switzerland - 9' (Animation & Stop Motion finalist)
Rabbid Jacob - Belgium, France - 20'
L'inconveniente Di Avere Il ***** - Italy - 3'
Downunder - Spain - 19'
Mamartuile - Messico - 12'
All These Creatures - Australia - 13'
Inanimate - Regno Unito, Italy - 8'
Parru pi tia - Italy - 15'
Bonobo - Switzerland - 16'
Hybrids - France - 6' (Human/Nature finalist)
Domenica - Italy - 20'
Following: final ceremony and awards proclamation
Downunder - Spain - 19'
Mamartuile - Messico - 12'
All These Creatures - Australia - 13'
Inanimate - Regno Unito, Italy - 8'
Parru pi tia - Italy - 15'
Bonobo - Switzerland - 16'
Hybrids - France - 6' (Human/Nature finalist)
Domenica - Italy - 20'